Dry Hands- How to best care for your Dry Hands - Causes, Treatments and Cures
Whether you’re washing your hands to “Happy Birthday,” “Jolene” or another catchy chorus, you probably have hand hygiene down to a science by now as you do your part to fight the coronavirus. While keeping your hands clean is the best way to fend off viruses, the side effect of all this washing is rough, dry and cracked skin.
Dry hands are a common cold weather complaint and the pandemic has taken it to a whole new level. The constant sanitising and washing of our hands is depleting our skins natural moisture barrier and damaging the integrity of our skin stripping the natural oils and leaving our hands dry, sore and irritated.
Dry Hands Causes

Dry Hands – What causes dry hands ? Winter is hard on your hands. Smooth, supple, and soft in September, hands can turn red, chapped, and rough by February.
The main culprit ? Lack of moisture.
During winter, the humidity in the outside air plunges. Inside, things are even drier, thanks to indoor heating. If you’re washing your hands frequently which we all are at the moment, thanks to the pandemic , you are sapping whatever natural oils are left in your skin. If you normally suffer with dry hands then this year will be much worse.
Read on to see what can be done to help this problem…
Dry Hands Treatments and Cures
It is vital that when washing your hands you dry them thoroughly, especially under jewellery, so slide your rings up and dry underneath. You can also try and use a ph balanced hand wash. The skins ph level is typically between 4 -7 which is slightly acidic. Most soaps are alkaline which alters the skins ph level damaging the function of the stratum corneum (skin to you and me) . There are ph balanced handwashes available that don’t compromise on hygiene such as Dettol ph Balanced hand wash. Then its down to moisture, moisture, moisture.
Try and apply a good quality hand lotion after washing or sanitising as it will replenish the natural oils that have been stripped from your skin. Something preferably with organic natural oils that will absorb quickly and easily to avoid that slippery hands feeling we all hate so much.
If you suffer with dry, peeling nails or cuticles it is worth investing in a cuticle oil. There are many on the market but we recommend and use Dadi Oil. It has a blend of 95% certified organic oils fortified with Vitamin E which offers fast and deep absorption into the skin and nail. This range also offers a non- greasy and soothing hand lotion with the same delicious aroma and is paraben and sulphate free!

Extra care for your Dry Hands
For the ultimate treat for your hands you could also incorporate a weekly scrub. The Dadi oil range of products also offers an exfoliating scrub using sugar and pumice to exfoliate those dead skins cells and at the same time delivering a luxurious dose of coconut oil, safflower oil and Dadi oil leaving your hands feeling soft, hydrated and rejuvanated. You have to try these products to appreciate how lovely they smell and feel. If you are unsure we offer a variety of sizes so you sample them first. For prices of all of our homecare products please click here to take a look at our Retail Price List on our website.
Dry Hands- Dry Feet
If you suffer with dry hands then it stands to reason that your feet may be dry aswell. All of the products mentioned above are equally as effective for your feet. However you will also find on our Retail Price List a full list of Footlogix products that are pediceutical products to target specific foot problems. If you need any information please feel free to contact us with any questions. The salon is sadly closed at the moment due the governments Covid 19 restrictions but we are happy to send products out so please get in touch with us by telephone on 07711 485749 or email hello@nailextensionsmaidstone.co.uk
We have enough to worry about at the moment so take one thing off your list and treat yourself to happy, healthy hands.
Stay Safe and Take Care out there
Ceri- Nail Expressions